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When colonialists are sent to subjugate the acknowledged indigenous, we mobilise to decolonise.

Get decolonised

We aim to decolonise the mind as much as the geography by revealing the truth behind the lies and greed enabled propaganda.

    About Us

    Decolonised is an online platform exposing the truth about oppressive colonial projects in the hope of one day enlightening enough people to make a difference. We welcome you to contribute, share and follow us on this website as we focus on the current atrocities around the world.

    Photo by Carlos Latuff 2008
    Photo by Carlos Latuff 2008 (Instagram)
    All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others – George Orwell Animal Farm

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I contribute to

    We welcome all contributions big or small. Send an email to [email protected] with your contribution whatever it may be and we will review it

    Why have you started this website?

    The idea has been brewing for some time but it became necessary after October 7, 2023. Where some people saw an terrorist act, we saw an act of resistance against generations of oppression and obfuscation of the truth. When we saw mainstream media blatantly lying, we had to set the record straight and this our contribution.

    Tell me about yourselves?

    For now it’s just one person who prefers to remain anonymous but has been gathering a crazy amount of content . Send me an email and let’s have a chat. I’m not so concerned about remaining anonymous but I do prefer to get to know who is interested.

    What if I see something obviously wrong on your website?

    Again send me an email and let me know what bothers you and let’s talk about it.